/* HELLO SOURCECODE VIEWER! If you're here to learn, prepare to learn bad habits! This is not perfactly coding (in places, hacky) CSS, a personal building website. So, you know, be careful out there... NB. This partially written with LESS CSS, for more info see http://lesscss.org/ Bye and cheer up - Hyunhwa Jung */ @import "style.less"; /* ================================================================= ! COLOR SETUP - Editable ================================================================= */ /* Pure Colors */ @color-white: #fff; @color-black: #000; /* Base Colors */ @color-dimd: #fff; @color-lighter: #fcfcfc; @color-light: #e7e7e7; @color-base: #dcdcdc; @color-bold: #cfcfcf; @color-strong: #bababa; @color-ultra: #3b3b3b; /* Fonts */ @color-font-lighter: #bbb; @color-font-light: #666; @color-font-base: #444; @color-font-bold: #3b3b3b; @color-font-strong: #111; /* Key Colors */ @color-key-00: #bcc1c7; // Heavy graphite @color-key-01: #dae0e5; // Medium graphite @color-key-02: #fafcfe; // Light graphite @color-key-03: #0088cc; // Blue /* Attention Colors */ @color-alert: #ffffea; // Light yellow @color-important: #ff6600; // Orange /* Button Set 1 Colors (General) */ @color-btn01-bg: #f8f8f8; // background color for non-css3 browser @color-btn01-gra01-top: #bebebe; // outer line top color @color-btn01-gra01-bottom: #ababab; // outer line bottom colors @color-btn01-gra02-top: #fdfdfd; // background top color @color-btn01-gra02-bottom: #f8f8f8; // background bottom colors @color-btn01-border: #fff; // inner line color @color-btn01-text: #444; // text color /* Button Set 2 Colors (Attention) */ @color-btn02-bg: #40445d; // background color for non-css3 browser @color-btn02-gra01-top: #41455e; // outer line top color @color-btn02-gra01-bottom: #3a3e56; // outer line bottom colors @color-btn02-gra02-top: #494e6b; // background top color @color-btn02-gra02-bottom: #40445d; // background bottom colors @color-btn02-border: #5e6581; // inner line color @color-btn02-text: #fff; // text color /* Button Shadow */ @color-btn-shadow: #efefef; // Button Shadow /* Thumbnail Color */ @color-thumb01-bg: #f7f7f7; // Thumbnail(default) background color @color-thumb01-border: #fff; // Thumbnail(default) border color @color-thumb02-bg: #dae0e5; // Thumbnail(Strong) background color @color-thumb02-border: #eff5f8; // Thumbnail(Strong) border color @color-thumb-shadow: #a2afb5; // Thumbnail shadow color /* ================================================================= ! DEFINITION - Editable ================================================================= */ /* Image directory URL */ @image-url: "../img/white"; /* Fonts */ @font-size-small: 11px; @font-size-base: 9pt; @font-size-medium: 14px; @font-size-big: 18px; @font-size-ultra: 24px; /* ================================================================= ! ARGUMENTS - Editable ================================================================= */ /* box-shadow property */ .board-box-shadow (@x: 0, @y: 1px, @blur: 1px, @color: @color-btn-shadow) { box-shadow: @arguments; -moz-box-shadow: @arguments; -webkit-box-shadow: @arguments; } /* border-radius property */ .board-border-radius (@radius: 1px) { -webkit-border-radius: @radius; -moz-border-radius: @radius; border-radius: @radius; }